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I’m a person with disability and I’m excited about Nest!

Article by Andrew Longhurst

My name is Andrew and I’m excited to be part of the game-changing website, Nest.

Nest is for people with disability so, as with all Northcott Innovation projects, right from the start we’ve been working with people with a range of disabilities to make sure the site works for them and meets their needs. One such person is Andrew Longhurst who also happens to work in the disability sector. We asked Andrew to put some of his thoughts about Nest on paper for us… Here’s what he wrote:

My name is Andrew and I’m excited to be part of the game-changing website, Nest. During my 43 years, I’ve focussed on developing my ‘nerdyness’ through reading and watching loads of Science Fiction and Fantasy and playing my fair share of computer games. I’ve also managed to do some studying (in Psychology and Counselling) and am currently working in the disability field as a Support Co-ordinator. I also work with TAFE, helping make technology more accessible for people in two of Sydney’s spinal care units.

Throughout all of this, without even being conscious of it for most of the time, I have lived with Osteogenesis Imperfecta (or brittle bones), and the combination of mobility and access considerations that go along with this. My current accommodation is an awesome ‘fit’ for me at this point in my life. When I say ‘fit’, I mean it’s more than just the ‘feeling’ I have of contentment and happiness. It’s about having a foundation from which I can build my life, choosing the people that are part of my life and the support that I need and don’t need, which allows me to make meaningful decisions, and although I don’t always see them as such, pursue goals.

This is why I am excited about the much-needed website Nest. I believe a good accommodation ‘fit’ is more than just a building I can get in and out of (although this is always a great start!). It is a home that allows me to connect to the people and places that I choose, when I choose. I have commitments that I need to keep, jobs that I can’t avoid and responsibilities that flow from the choices I make, so living in the right place is important for my life.

I’m excited by Nest because I believe it will be an important tool to give people with disability choices and connect them with accommodation that ‘fits’ and provides a solid foundation on which they can build the life they choose for themselves.

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