Get In Touch
So we can best support your journey with Nest, please read below and choose the appropriate option.
Have you found a property and you'd like to apply or ask a question? Great! You can apply or enquire directly to the property provider from each property page.

To find a property that's right for you, we suggest you sign up to Nest and fill out your profile. Logged in users with complete profiles will benefit from more accurate search results, and can also receive properties directly to their inbox.
If you have a question for the Nest team, use the enquiry form below. Please note... that the Nest Team does not answer questions about specific properties, or help individuals to find properties. There is also a comprehensive Help section with FAQs and general information about using Nest whether you're searching for, or listing a property.
Use this enquiry form to:
- Report an issue or bug with the Nest website
- Ask us about advertising, media or partnership opportunities
- If you’re a property provider, ask us a question about your listing
- Ask us how to make changes to your account that you can’t make yourself
- Let us know if you have sent an enquiry or application but haven’t heard anything
If you are not enquiring about a property and your type of enquiry is not listed above, please email us at or call on 1300 547 905.