Relaxing home for SIL/MTA/STA- Respite
3 bed
1 bath
2 parking
Bonshaw VIC 3352
53 Properties near Bonshaw
Here are the closest matching properties according to your search criteria. Log in or Register to view and apply for vacancies that better match your requirements.
3 bed
1 bath
2 parking
Bonshaw VIC 3352
4 bed
3 bath
5 parking
Bonshaw VIC 3352
4 bed
4 bath
2 parking
Delacombe VIC 3356 (1km from Bonshaw)
2 bed
2 bath
2 parking
Delacombe VIC 3356 (1km from Bonshaw)
3 bed
3 bath
2 parking
Winter Valley VIC 3358 (2kms from Bonshaw)
1 bed
1 bath
1 parking
Winter Valley VIC 3358 (2kms from Bonshaw)
3 bed
3 bath
2 parking
Sebastopol VIC 3356 (2kms from Bonshaw)
1 bed
3 bath
Delacombe VIC 3356 (2kms from Bonshaw)
3 bed
3 bath
2 parking
Delacombe VIC 3356 (2kms from Bonshaw)
1 bed
1 bath
Sebastopol VIC 3356 (2kms from Bonshaw)
Our match score indicates how closely 'matched' you are to this property. The longer the line; the better you are matched with the property with regards to your preferences and funding.
Our match score indicates how closely 'matched' this applicant is to your property. The longer the line; the better they are matched with regards to their preferences and funding.