
A fresh start for two people in Ashfield
Ashfield WA 6054
4 bed
2 bath
Seeking Two Housemates: 24-hour supports are provided by Crosslinks on a 1 to 4 support ratio.
Fun Fact: This home has a raised veggie patch for those in a wheelchair.
We are looking for two housemates (flying solo, or pair of friends) to move into this home in Ashfield, joining current tenants Peter and Hubert. It’s a perfect and unique opportunity if you know of several people with a disability seeking to live together.
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Property Features
Single storey
Ramp access
Ceiling hoist
Air conditioning
Raised garden bed
Outdoor living/entertainment area
Storage for personal equipment
Direct access to yard / courtyard / garden
Shared bathroom
Shared living space
Shared kitchen
Shared laundry
Provider Details
Application Criteria
A home perfect for a couple of pals in Ashfield!
We are looking for two tenants to make this place “a home” – which is a fabulous opportunity to move in together or meet new housemates.
24-hour supports are provided by Crosslinks on a 1 to 4 support ratio.
You could be male or female 🙂
New housemates would be joining current tenants, Peter and Hubert.
If this sounds like you, or someone you know – don’t hesitate to get in touch!
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A fresh start for two people in Ashfield